Transfer Credit Matrix


Transfer Credit Matrix

This database contains courses that have been evaluated to offer transfer equivalency at the University, including all courses from the Virginia Community College System. Please note that this database is dynamic; we are constantly updating course equivalency data. Please note that equivalencies may reflect the upcoming semester, and transfer credit is awarded based on the equivalency at the beginning of the semester in which you enroll. While this data is as accurate and current as possible, the University retains the right to revise a transfer credit evaluation at any time. This information is not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and the university.

Regardless of course content, courses completed as lower-level (freshman or sophomore) will transfer to George Mason as lower-level. For example, VCCS BIO 256 (4)= BIOL L311 (4). Equivalencies offered with an “L” designation do not negate the upper-level requirement. Equivalencies offered with a four-dash designation, such as COMM—- (3) are electives.

Courses completed as upper-level (junior or senior) will transfer to George Mason as upper-level. All George Mason students must complete 45 hours of upper-level coursework to fulfill bachelor’s degree requirements.

Use the form below to look-up course equivalencies for transfer credit.

Select the state and name of the institution from which you would like to transfer credit, then select the appropriate course to see its transfer equivalent, or select “View All” from the drop-down list.

Transfer credit equivalencies for courses within the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) are listed under “Virginia Community Coll System“.

NOTE: Effective Summer 2024, ENG 111 taken at a Virginia Community College will transfer in ONLY as an English elective. Students will be required to take ENG 112 to earn GMU ENGH 101.

Transfer Credit Search Form